Prayer Book Volume 1This prayer manual is designed to enhance you to pray from a biblical model. Nothing beats praying the word of God in prayer. Fervent prayer is the key to dynamic breakthroughs. When you are aggressive and engaged in prayer by faith, every mountain must be removed on your behalf. Whatever unlocks in your spirit when you pray, keep flowing with it until the Holy Spirit urges you to go to the next prayer point. When prayer and meditation is practiced, your prayer will dramatically shift. May God empower you and advance you in revelation as you pray through these prayer points.
The 7 Feasts of Israel ManualThe Sevens Feasts of Israel are actual feasts set and ordained by God to be celebrated and performed, but they have such a strong prophetic message behind them that we as believers shouldn’t fail to learn the truths behind them. These seven feasts that God has ordained for His holy people, the Jewish nation and His adopted children, the Gentile nation must embrace. As you explore through this training manual on the 7 Feasts of Israel and how it correlates to the Christian development, God will give you wisdom, revelation, and insight into His mind and what He has in store for His people.
Apostolic Reconstruction ManualThis manual is written to be a study tool and an insightful resource for those who are seeking to advance in the Apostolic movement. This is a strong exhaustive teaching and training that will develop effective five-fold ministries within our Churches globally. As you study this manual thoroughly by pondering on the scriptures, notes, and principles within this book, your understanding and revelation depth will shift and you will be empowered to join me in effectively contributing to not just an Apostolic reformation, but an Apostolic Reconstruction.
The Apostolic DimensionLearn to walk in the full dimension of your calling as an apostle.The Apostolic Dimension was written to encourage, train, and guide modern day apostles. Far too many proclaim reformation, but if they are improperly trained, a reformation can easily change into a deformation, creating a design or pattern that God never intended the church to walk in. It takes the apostles to walk in this paradigmatic shift, and the apostolic anointing to keep the church balanced in doctrinal truth and character.
Kingdom EconomicsThe Christian community has been deceived about money, believing that it’s okay to have a "just enough" mentality because we are to live lives of humility. This is nothing but an excuse to remain broke! God does not want you to be poor, why would He instruct you to look after the poor if you are poor? The Bible says that we have been given the keys to the Kingdom, this means that we have access to any locked door, and that includes the door to prosperity. In this book you are going to learn specific strategies that will assist you in stepping into financial abundance, the life that you have been called to and the life that you were destined for!
Wiser Than Your EnemiesAt present, deliverance ministries are essential, the Lord needs people who are prepared to completely surrender their will to Him, go out on the front line and engage in direct warfare with the enemy. Jesus came to set the captives free, and there are people who are still bound which means that there is plenty of work to do.This book will teach those who have been called into the ministry of deliverance exactly what is required of them to be successful in this arena. BE WARNED, it is not for the faint hearted, but if this is the calling that the Lord has placed on your life, its time to prepare for war!
101 Apostolic KeysThere is no better time than now to call for order among and within the universal Church where heresy and structural confusion are at their peak among the people of God. Who exactly are the people that God entrusted with the responsibility of keeping and maintaining order in the Church? The Apostles are specifically called by Jesus to Church leadership and government with signs and wonders, and the grace to write epistles. The major purpose of all the five - fold gifts to the Church is to perfect the Saints for the work of the ministry, and to edify the Body of Christ. To speak the Truth in love without castigating any party. These vital points raised from the Bible are the major reasons for putting my pen on the paper in 101 Apostolic Keys.
It's Not a Sin to Be RichWe are called to be faithful stewards in the Kingdom. Stewardship involves managing what God has given us in order that we may prosper greatly in the earth. In this book, you will discover principles from a metaphysical, biblical, and theological viewpoint that will renew your mind to think like our Heavenly Father. Jesus died to get rid of poverty from our lives. Poverty is a fruit of the sin consciousness of the first Adam, but prosperity is a fruit of the God consciousness of the second Adam which is Jesus Christ. “He became poor, that we might become rich.”
The Realm of FaithGod desires His people not to operate in mediocrity, but in a realm of greatness. Jesus Christ operated in this realm, where demons were cast out, people were healed from their diseases, the blind were able to see again, and unusual miracles, signs, and wonders took place. Jesus was in that realm of greatness because He always stayed in The Realm of Faith where He could see His Father work within His mind. In this book, you will learn how to do as Jesus did: act out by faith all that you "see" the Father doing.
Prophetic IntelligenceThere are many that are called to be prophets/esses, and they have the anointing to hear, see, and feel what God is saying, showing, and doing, but are they educated in the prophetic grace. In this book dynamic prophetic book, you will learn the depths of the prophetic science and functions. This is book is loaded with kingdom mysteries that will empower you to know more about the prophetic and move confidently in the prophetic. Knowledge breeds confidence, and this book activate a boldness in you to prophesy the word of the Lord without intimidation.
Success Secrets of Great LeadersWhat this generation is missing is leaders and mentors that will develop them in the wisdom of God in order to thrive in their ministry. Leadership is the key to walking in greater vision concerning your life. One of the major purposes of Jesus coming to earth was to create a culture of leaders. Jesus declared to His first disciples “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. Jesus desires that His church will rise up and be mighty kingdom leaders. This book is loaded with secrets that great leaders utilize to stay on top within their field of service.
Walking in the Power of the Seven SpiritsSpiritual maturity is necessary for going deeper in the mind of God. We are living in a day where majority of Christianity is stuck in the “Milk Age” and are not ready for the meat and mysteries of God’s word. God wants His people to be full of His Spirit so that they can mature to have appetite for the deep things that He desires to reveal. Understanding the Seven Spirits of God is secret that will shift you into moving into your higher calling. When you develop and receive the Seven Spirits within you, you will be an expression the God’s kingdom in the earth realm.
22 Master Love Keys for a Workable RelationshipWhen you and your partner are compatible, there's nothing that can hinder your relationship. Compatibility can be created if both partners agree to creating that expectation. This book is guaranteed to give singes insight to choosing the right one and engaged and married couples the keys to bring transformation and workability to your relationship! Come learn and discover 22 Master Love Keys for a workable relationship!
The Master Guide for Relationship CompatibilityGod designed everything, including our relationships, to function best with what it’s compatible with. Whether you are single, dating, or engaged, as you read through these 7 principles, it will become clear for you what you need to be looking for in a future spouse.
Activating The BlessingsContrary to popular belief, as Christians, we were not put on the earth to go to church every Sunday and sing hymns to the Lord until He calls us home. Eternal life is not the only gift we were given when we accepted Christ. The good book tells us that we are blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, this means that there is nothing that the Lord does not want us to have. The problem is that most of us are rejecting the blessing without even realizing it. God has already decided that you are blessed. That key is your faith! In this book, you are going to learn several dynamic principles that will unlock the blessing of the Lord into your life. It’s time to arise and shine for your light has come, and the glory of Yahweh has risen upon you!
Prophetic Leadership LinguisticsThe meaning of any particular language is a function of the culture of that particular social group. To have any interaction with a person’s language, therefore, means to do the same with his culture. This stands still as a reference point.We cannot fully comprehend a peoples culture if we do not have direct access to their language, it creates an impossible access. And this is essentially because of their strong, rigid connection.
A Transformative Prophetic CoachCoaching is action based, and those being led by a coach are encouraged to take the necessary action required to make changes in their personal and professional lives. Unlike training or consulting, the emphasis is on assisting the coachee to identify their own goals, assess their strengths and areas where they need to develop and identify the solutions that will assist them in moving forwards.
Prophetic MetaphysicsThe prophet partners with God to deal with the existence of man, to push him into the will of God. To do so effectively, he must understand himself, how he was created, the intelligence of his design and the power that he has been endowed with. The prophets of old walked with tremendous power prior to the resurrection of Christ and the release of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord was upon them, but they didn’t have access to the Holy Ghost the way New Testament believers did. What was the key to their power? I believe they were so in tune with the Creator that He revealed things to them about the ability that they had been created with, there was no need for science labs and technology, they had direct access to the great technician.
Adulting LeadershipThis book seeks to explain in detail the importance of emotional intelligence and why it is important in everyday life. How we can understand our emotions, regulate and control them to improve our own personal growth and development, as well as those lives we seek to influence. The indepth study will also look at the roles EQ plays in one’s personal life, workplace, and with the greatest emphasis on how it affect one’s leadership qualities. Emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence do not work together alone. They are complemented by what is known as intelligent quotient (IQ). The IQ, arguably the more popular type of intelligence is needed for active and working memory, visual processing and fluid and quantitative reasoning. It measures an individual’s cognitive abilities with respect to their age group.
Biblical Prophetic TheologyThis training tool that I have created is designed to educate and empower the budding prophet as well as the seasoned prophet in understanding the mind of God concerning His prophets from a biblical perspective. The theology and the principles loaded in this book will transform and enlighten you in how the prophets thought about God, situations, and God’s church. Get ready to shift in the prophetic consciousness as you digest this revelation in this book.
Prophetic Transformational LeadershipThe concept of leadership has been defined to mean many things. Chiefly among them is the belief that leadership entails leading people. This position is not only lacking
in substance, but it fails to satisfy questions that may creep up with such a position. Who is the leader, who is the led? What is the purpose for leadership? How do you lead people? What do you seek to transform through leadership? What do you want to achieve with such transformation? These are questions that this book seeks to explore and give insightful answers on. An important aspect of leadership is the wonderful process of transformation, where overtime it is seen that the led no longer becomes a follower, but a leader. This book informs you that as a leader you can work such transformation with the people being led by you. Transformational leadership as it is rightly called is applicable in all organizational spheres. |
Restoring Kingdom Men in the EarthIt is time for the Church to stop shooting and killing her wounded soldiers, it is time for the church to accept and cater for her wounded Generals who had fallen in battlefield of this world. The Church’s barrack is full of wounded soldiers who are not getting any treatment but insults and condemnations of various types, even from spiritual toddlers who have never been out there where the battle is hot most.
Restoring Kingdom men (and women) is important to God, and to the Church in general, therefore I am calling upon the matured elders of the Church to rise to this singular responsibility which is also biblical so that the army of God will stand in unity and oppose the hoax and the guile of the evil one. |
Fire Up the GiftsYou believe in Jesus Christ? Great! You have the Holy Spirit? Great! Are you experiencing the Holy Spirit in life? If not, you need to be activated and express the gifts and manifestations of the out-workings of the Spirit.
There is no dull moment for any believer who is activated, this is made manifest in his or her prayer life (both private and public), and the ministry becomes a lifestyle of passion buttered with love. Many times, the disciples of Jesus Christ prayed with fervency according to the book of Acts of the Apostles. It is the Spirit that quickens! To quicken means it brings life, it has a measure of enthusiasm, it is living, and it is not dead. Those with fervency are not doing anything out of compulsion, but with passion. Once a believer is truly activated, he gets fervent in ministry, in prayer, and in love. He is serious about it all. |
Destiny Helpers vs Destiny HatersThere are two significant kinds of people wherever a person of destiny is involved. One of those are the people who dislike the fact you have a God-given destiny to fulfill. These people are the destiny haters. They are men and women who have allowed the devil to infiltrate their minds against the will of God in your life. They do not necessarily dislike the color of your skin, your height or your gender; their mission is to ensure you don’t live your destiny. They are fulfilled when you quit the journey to your calling.
We have another kind of people, a better kind of people wherever destiny is mentioned. They are the destiny helpers. These people derive great pleasure in assisting you in fulfilling your destiny. They come through for you during times of great trial and discouragement. They hold your hands up and lift you out during the occasional moments of despair and depression that accompany your journey of destiny. They are God-sent. |
Kingdom Game ChangerAs Christians, we are held to a higher standard that necessitates constant attention, self-control, and unflinching dedication to Kingdom ideals. This chapter will look at the significant importance of discipline and integrity and how
they emerge in our daily lives. |
Actualizing the Mind of ChristJesus’ kingdom is founded on righteousness. This means His rule is always just, fair, and consistent with God’s perfect intent. Even the most effective human rulers have weaknesses. They make mistakes, and their judgment might be influenced by personal interests or outside forces. However, Jesus has no such fault. His judgments are always accurate, and His righteousness is perfect. This is why His authority as King is so important: He governs with an ideal balance of justice and mercy, guaranteeing that those who come under His reign are treated fairly and lovingly.”
Possessing a Kingdom MentalityThe Kingdom of God is not a religion but a divine government that reflects a heavenly relationship with our Creator. Jesus instructed His disciples to preach the message of the Kingdom, not to focus on miracles. The miracles came as evidence of the truth they shared about the Kingdom. Unfortunately, the church has often fallen short in teaching about the Kingdom. Many pastors emphasize the cross, the resurrection, or the blood but rarely delve into what it truly means to live as citizens of God’s Kingdom.