Destiny Helpers vs Destiny Haters
There are two significant kinds of people wherever a person of destiny is involved. One of those are the people who dislike the fact you have a God-given destiny to fulfill. These people are the destiny haters. They are men and women who have allowed the devil to infiltrate their minds against the will of God in your life. They do not necessarily dislike the color of your skin, your height or your gender; their mission is to ensure you don’t live your destiny. They are fulfilled when you quit the journey to your calling.
We have another kind of people, a better kind of people wherever destiny is mentioned. They are the destiny helpers. These people derive great pleasure in assisting you in fulfilling your destiny. They come through for you during times of great trial and discouragement. They hold your hands up and lift you out during the occasional moments of despair and depression that accompany your journey of destiny. They are God-sent.